Title: Kayla & Kara Co-Workers
Camera: Nikon D2X
Date: 1 June 2010 11:49 a.m.
Location: Rexburg, ID
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec
Additional Info: Levels adjusted
For this shot I went across the hall and borrowed my friend, Jeff's studio, camera, and I brought in a couple friends. I had it set on shutter priority, and took a couple shots and I liked this one the best.
Title: Jess
Camera: Sony DSC- W330
Date: 31 May 2010 4:16 p.m.
Location: Rexburg, ID (Porter Park)
Aperture: f/ 2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/320 sec
Additional Info: Levels adjusted
My roommates went to play catch and I needed to get some shots, and I was just playing with the settings and this was on multi focus, single shot.
Title: Environmental Emie
Camera: Sony DSC-W330
Date: 28 May 2010 8:14 p.m.
Location: Rexburg, ID
Aperture: f/5.7
Shutter Speed: 1/30 sec
Additional Info: Levels adjusted, black fill layer with a low opacity, and a vingette.
My niece came to have a sleepover during the Memorial Day weekend, and we had popsicles and watched a movie. I set the camera to scene selection, portrait and the exposure to -1.
Title: Ashley
Camera: Sony DSC- W330
Date: 16 May 2010 2:07 p.m.
Location: Outside of Rexburg, ID
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 1/100 sec
Additional Info: Vingette added, yellow fill layer with blend mode to soft light, and layers adjusted.
I really liked this angle, while we were at the train tracks. This was put on spot metering and multi exposure adjusted throughout the frame.
These are some nice photos. I really like the group shot. It look very professional. The composition on the second photo is great too. It gives her room making it look like the viewer is part of a game.
Those are some really awesome photos! I really like the candid one of your roommate playing catch. Overall Liked them all.
These pictures are all really interesting to look at. I really like the vibrant colors in the first two, and I really like the subtle colors in the last two. Great job with your composition and lighting, too! Great work over all!
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