Monday, June 21, 2010

Title: Tetons
Camera: Canon PowerShot SD1200 IS
Date: 18 June 2010 8:31 p.m.
Location: St. Anthony, ID
Aperture: f/4.9
Shutter Speed: 1/500 sec
Additional Info: Unedited

Title: Sitting in a Ponderative Manner
Camera: Sony DSC-W330
Date: 21 June 2010 10:54 p.m.
Location: Rexburg, ID
Aperture: f/2.7
Shutter Speed: 1/5 sec
Additional Info: Unedited

For the first picture, this is a blended photolusion. I wanted Jess to look as if she were sitting on the Grand Teton, and it fit perfectly! I matched colored her with the Tetons as the source. Then I masked out the ares that I did not want (chair, shoes, etc..), and then I changed the levels.

Title: Opposite Day
Camera: Sony DSC-W330
Date: 21 June 2010 11:17 p.m.
Location: Rexburg, ID
Aperture: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/8 sec
Additional Info: Altered levels

For this picture I wanted it to seem as if it was an opposite day, I put the feet on the keys as if she were playing and the hands on the pedals as if waiting for the right time to push on one. I set this up by taking my camera off of the burst setting and off of the twilight setting and changed it back to my regular settings of multi exposure and multi focus.

Title: Rain on my Parade
Camera: Sony DSC-W330
Date: 21 June 2010 10:00 p.m.
Location: Rexburg, ID
Aperture: f/2.7
Shutter Speed: 1/8 sec
Additional Info: Added an Unsharpen Mask, and a Gausian Blur.

I know this is not really a photolusion, but I wanted it include it somewhere. I wanted this shot to look like it was pouring and it was just on one person instead of everywhere. I added an unsharpen mask then duplicated the layer and added the gausian blur and I masked out the ares where I wanted it to be in focus. I set up the shot with 3 different point and shoots, so that I would have multiple angles and at least one of them would get a descent shot. With this camera I put it on scene selection of landscape so that it would get everything in focus, because I really wanted that water in focus instead of blurry. And then a car just passed us so that is what gave off the reddish light which I thought was a nice effect.


Laura Rovig said...

I LOVE THESE!! First, I love the girl sitting on the tetons... so fun! Also love the idea of the opposite day and I LOVE the one with the rain on the person... it has on awesome message(I am thinking too hard about it, I know) from it. Great job!

Kris Fryer said...

Great job on your illusions. I don't know if you thought it was difficult to get the illusions straight out of the camera but I thought it was. I really like the last photo! I really like it.

Rognon Photographers said...

I really like your illusions and how they are really creative and really look well together. I especially like the one with the water poring on the umbrella. Nice job.

Jamie Williams said...

Very clever with the tetons! That looks so funny. Also I really like the raining one. The colors look great and I really like the blur, it makes the subject really stand out.

Katie said...

I agree with Jamie, your tetons picture was very clever! Good work being creative, and you did really well at making them blend together!

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